Features to look for in premium WordPress themes

The theme you choose can help you to display your work in the best way as a photographer. There are a number of characteristics you need to look for when choosing premium WP themes for photography. May non-photography themes lack the most important features needed for a photography blog.

Photography blogs do not focus on photography alone. Good photography blogs have writings and videos too. It is therefore important to pick premium WP themes that enhance the rest of your content.

We will introduce you to some important things you need to consider when choosing premium WP themes.

Below are some of the most important features to look for in premium WordPress themes.

prozine-home-variation2Custom gallery styles

Custom gallery styles will make your blog flexible as a way of displaying your work. They will enable you to design a blog that showcases your work as per your vision. Good premium WP themes enable you to change your layout when you need to redesign your blog.

It is important to know the gallery styles available in a theme. These gallery styles include slideshow, grid and carousel styles. You should understand which styles work well in different situations. For instance, a slide show may be important for an album style display and the masonry style can do well with portfolios.

You also need to incorporate different styles in your site. You can make your site interesting by mixing different styles. You can make use of switchable styles to achieve this.opus-home-variation2

Large image backgrounds

Large image backgrounds in premium WordPress themes enable the user to display his photography as the background of the site. They can also be used on other sites as they are not just restricted to photography. They can really help when it comes to displaying your latest works.

This makes your photography to be woven into the fabric of your design. It is also an excellent way to display high-resolution images. You should avoid downsizing your images because this reduces the quality and clarity of your image.

You need to use the right images for your background or else you will misuse this feature.

The feature is important because it draws the eye. The image attracts visitors to your website, and they will definitely stay there for a while to get more. You should use bright images, but they should not be too distracting as they can divert the attention of the viewer from the main content of the website.

This feature in premium WP themes also sends a message to viewers. The images should have a purpose.

The feature can also help you incorporate your style. This can be both your personality and your photography style.

Beautiful captioning options

Not all features are related to your image directly. Good premium WP themes should help you to caption your photos and add further context and depth. Your theme should offer varied and beautiful captioning options. Captions can be used to tell a story to viewers.